180°全景VR纪录片:乌克兰《幸存者》炸弹袭击的后果对乌克兰人的采访 VR乌克兰战争VR纪录片 俄乌战争 超清6K 0726-04







【分辨率】: 超清6K



Survivors – The VR documentary. Aftermath of the bomb strikes and personal interviews with Ukrainian people

幸存者 – VR 纪录片。炸弹袭击的后果和对乌克兰人的个人采访

#vr180 #8K 中的 VR 纪录片《幸存者》 。轰炸后的情景和对乌克兰人的个人采访。关于这场乌克兰战争如何摧毁生命、家庭、计划和梦想的个人故事。如此多的悲剧。与世界分享他们的故事至关重要。

#ukrainewar #ukraine #russia #war #putin #stopwar #standwithukraine #peace

The VR documentary “Survivors” in #vr180 #8K . Aftermath of the bomb strikes and personal interviews with Ukrainians. Personal human stories about how this war in Ukraine destroyed lives, families, plans, and dreams. So many tragedies. It is crucial to share their stories with the rest of the world. #ukrainewar #ukraine #russia #war #putin #stopwar #standwithukraine #peace

