360°全景VR视频:近距离观看大象 VR非洲大草原大象旅游互动 超清6K 0709-05







【分辨率】: 超清6K



Elephant interactions Rambo and Rachel

大象的互动 Rambo 和 Rachel


在 VR 捕捉创建的“近距离接触”VR 体验中,与 Rambo 和 Rachel 见面。

Get up close and personal with two habituated elephants who were rescued after their herd was culled. Experience the privilege of getting up close to these elephants. An unforgettable experience for all ages.

Meet Rambo and Rachel that are featured in “Close Encounters” VR Experience created by VR capture.

#360video #virtualreality #immersivevideo #wildlife #wildanimals #conversation #closeencounters #virtualtravel #virtualtour

