360°全景VR视频:飞行俯视环游地球VR从瑞士阿尔卑斯山到哈萨克斯坦,再到罗马和埃及 俯视地球飞行VR 超清4K 0729-01







【分辨率】: 超清4K



Fly Around the World VR 360 – Google Earth Studio
环游世界 VR 360 – Google Earth Studio

一次不间断的飞行,环游地球,从瑞士阿尔卑斯山到哈萨克斯坦,再到罗马和埃及。这是使用 Google Earth Studio 创建的。遗憾的是,它只有 4k,这是 Google Earth Studio 目前允许的最高分辨率。如果 Google 真的推出 8k+ 分辨率,我很乐意重新渲染它。




Fly around the Earth from the Swiss Alps to Kazakhstan to Rome and to Egypt in one uninterrupted flight. This was created using Google Earth Studio . Sadly, it’s only 4k, that is the highest Google Earth Studio currently allows. I would love to re-render this out in 8k+ if Google ever features that.

I hope you enjoy it despite the render quality.

Important: Make sure to adjust the resolution to the highest available.

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