360°全景VR视频:克服高空恐惧VR高空走独木桥全景VR高空行走刺激视频 高清4L 0301-12







【分辨率】: 超清8K



Fear of Heights? Richie’s Plank Experience in VR 360°
恐高?Richie 的 360° VR 平板支撑体验

Do you walk or do you freeze? Richie’s Plank Experience in 360 Degrees. Are you afraid of heights or falling? You control the camera!

Check out more 360 gaming videos here:

你会走路还是僵住?Richie 的 360 度平板支撑体验。你怕高还是怕摔?你来控制摄像头!

