360°全景VR视频:梦幻过山车VR游戏体验全景身临其境刺激过山车速度与激情 超清6K 0809-06







【分辨率】: 超清6K



Dream Coaster VR

梦幻过山车 VR

Dream Coaster VR 是一款极其逼真的过山车模拟器,配备了一系列不同的环境主题,高度和速度给人一种身临其境的感觉。不要让名字欺骗你——这个过山车一定会让你彻夜难眠!关注并点赞,会有很多 360 度视频。

Dream Coaster VR is an extremely realistic roller coaster simulator equipped with series of different environmental themes and ultra immersive impression of height and speed. Do not let the name trick you – this roller coaster will surely keep you wide awake!
Follow and like, there will be many 360 degree videos. Also a lot of 360° gaming videos on YouTuBe channel
