360°全景VR视频:消除对鸡的恐惧VR 对鸡恐惧症害怕鸡治疗治愈 全景360 近距离观察鸡 超清6K 0729-13







【分辨率】: 超清6K



Alektorophobia Test | Face Your Fears VR | Fear of Chickens

恐惧症测试 | 面对你的恐惧 VR | 害怕鸡


#fearofchickens #alektorophobia #faceyourfears

谢谢!Alektorophobia is an intense fear of chickens or hens. Like other phobias, the intense fear that people feel isn\’t proportional to the threat chickens pose. Symptoms might include guilt, shame, intense worry or dread. People may also have physical symptoms, such as nausea, sweating or shaking.
