180°全景VR视频:乌克兰选美比赛慈善皇后的早午餐VR乌克兰美女选美大赛全景视频 超清8K 0723-10







【分辨率】: 超清8K



Brunch of Charity Queen of Ukraine beauty contest participants. 8K


乌克兰慈善皇后是针对从事慈善工作的 18 至 45 岁参赛者的选美比赛。比赛的主要目的是筹集资金帮助乌克兰武装部队。
在本视频中,您将看到参赛者在 Avalon 餐厅享用早午餐的片段。


Charity Queen of Ukraine is a beauty pageant for participants aged 18 to 45 who are engaged in charity work. The main purpose of the contest is to raise funds to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In this video, you will see fragments of the participants’ brunch at the Avalon Restaurant.

In the following videos, you will see more materials from the preparation and the final of Charity Queen of Ukraine.

