360°全景VR视频:雪伦伯格冰洞 探险 德国旅游溶洞冰川风景 超清8K 0625-03







【分辨率】: 超清8K



The Schellenberg Ice Cave VR
谢伦伯格冰洞 VR 雪伦伯格冰洞

探索德国唯一向公众开放的海拔 1570 米的冰洞。
在这次虚拟游览中,您将看到约 3000 年的冰和这个值得一看的洞穴的历史。

Explore Germany’s only ice cave open to public at an altitude of 1570m.
Approx. 3000 years old ice and the history of this cave worth seeing await you in this virtual excursion.

您将通过 VR 耳机体验完美的沉浸式体验。但也支持经典 3D 眼镜(红蓝)。为了获得最佳质量,我们建议至少使用 4K 分辨率。单击右下角的齿轮。只有在具有适当显卡浏览器的计算机上才能选择最高分辨率(8K)。… 要了解洞穴指南,请激活 CC…

You will experience the perfect immersive experience with a VR headset. But classic 3D glasses (red-blue) are also supported. For the best quality we recommend at least 4K resolution. Click on the cogwheel at the bottom right. The highest resolution (8K) can only be selected on computers with a proper graphics card browser. … for understanding the cave guide please activate CC…

