180°全景VR视频:从万米高的神灵的视角看世界VR巨人之眼高空俯视地球地面 超清8K 0726-03







【分辨率】: 超清8K



[VR180] The world seen from the perspective of a 10,000 meter tall god [miniaturized video that gives the best three-dimensional view of clouds] [Giant’s eye]



这是让世界看起来像微缩模型的巨人之眼系列。这次,视差是通过从飞机窗户用Insta360 GO 2拍摄视频,并在编辑时将投射到左眼和右眼的视频时间偏移而产生的。在本视频中,播放速度增加了三倍,时间偏移了1秒,导致视差约为750米。也许称之为上帝之眼比巨人之眼更合适。


《安静的世界》by 芦部平太郎
DOVA-SYNDROME http://dova-s.jp/

相机:Insta360 GO 2
剪辑软件:Gyroflow、Davinci Resolve、Adobe Premiere Pro

★Note!★This video is for VR goggles only, and does not look like a miniature in the 2D view of a PC browser or smartphone app. If you feel sick or uncomfortable while watching, please stop watching immediately.

This is the Giant’s eye series that make the world look like miniatures. This time, the parallax is created by taking video with the Insta360 GO 2 from an airplane window and shifting the timing of the video projected to the left eye and right eye in editing. In this video, the playback speed is tripled and the timing is shifted by 1 second, resulting in a parallax of approximately 750 m. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it God’s Eye rather than Giant’s eye.

What surprised me when I saw the video was the three-dimensional effect of the clouds, and it was impressive to see the fuzzy clouds so close that I could almost reach them. I thought it was a good experience, even though I made the video myself.

「A quiet world」 by Heitaro Ashibe
DOVA-SYNDROME http://dova-s.jp/

Camera: Insta360 GO 2
Editing software: Gyroflow, Davinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro
