180°全景VR视频:史密森尼自然历史博物馆的巨齿鲨 3D 180 VR 鲨鱼博物馆虚拟现实体验 超清6K 1216-13







【分辨率】: 超清6K



Megalodon Shark at Smithsonian Natural History Museum 3D 180 VR
史密森尼自然历史博物馆的巨齿鲨 3D 180 VR

这项 VR 180 3D 体验让您与史密森尼博物馆的真人大小巨齿鲨模型面对面,该模型目前在华盛顿特区的史密森尼国家自然历史博物馆展出。该模型长 52 英尺,悬挂在圣海洋馆;它张着嘴巴展示,以便游客可以看到它的牙齿,这些牙齿和成年人的手一样大。这种古老的鲨鱼大约生活在 2300 万至 360 万年前,几乎生活在海洋的每个角落,它是有史以来最大的鲨鱼。


史密森尼自然历史博物馆网站,https: //www.si.edu/museums/natural-history-museum

This VR 180 3D experience brings you face-to-face with the Smithsonian’s life-sized Megalodon shark model, which is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. This model is 52 feet long and hangs in the Sant Ocean Hall; it is displayed with its mouth open so visitors can see its teeth, which were as large as an adult human’s hand. This ancient shark lived roughly 23 to 3.6 million years ago in nearly every corner of the ocean, and it is the largest shark to have ever lived.

This video also includes footage of a Megalodon’s set of teeth, which is in a separate display in the museum, so you can see how many rows of teeth grew in the giant shark’s mouth. Sharks constantly shed their teeth and replace them with new ones, and a shark can lose and replace thousands of teeth in its lifetime.

To learn more about this shark model and the museum, please visit the following sites:
Smithsonian Megalodon Page, https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/sharks-rays/megalodon
Smithsonian Natural History Museum Site, https://www.si.edu/museums/natural-history-museum
