360°全景VR视频:西藏布达拉宫旅游VR全景青藏高原风景360视频 超清8K 1125-01
【编号】: 1125-01
【分辨率】: 超清8K
Welcome to Tibet. 360 video.
欢迎来到西藏 – 一个难以到达的地区,以壮丽的自然风光和古老的文化而闻名,位于中国西南部,地处地球上最高的青藏高原。该地区传统上被称为西藏,最近被称为西藏。
Welcome to Tibet – a region difficult to travel to, known for magnificent nature and an ancient culture, located in southwest China, on the Tibetan plateau, the highest on the earth. Traditionally known as Tibet, the region has recently been referred to as Xizang.